Set Enrollment goals (Basics)

The first step in the Transfer Equivalency process (Basics) allows you to set key degree related goals.

About this task

The transfer articulation audit is processed using a combination of these basic degree goals:
  • Planned enrollment date
  • Intended level
  • Intended degree and major

During data selection, the Your Answers space tracks and stores your choices (for later use).


  1. From the drop down lists, select the appropriate response to each of the required goal questions :
    Note: Some drop-down lists may not be configured for display at your institution.
    • When do you plan to enroll? *
    • What is your intended level? *
    • What degree will you pursue? *
    • What is your intended major? *
    • What is your intended concentration?
    • What is your intended campus?
    • What is your intended program?
    • What is your intended college?
    • What is your intended minor?
    Note: Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
    Note: Each stored item listed in the Your Answers space offers a return link to that particular goal question.
  2. When you've made a selection for each of the mandatory questions, you have the option to either:
    • Click the Transfer button to continue directly to the Transfer page.
    • Continue making selections for any remaining non-mandatory questions.
  3. When the last non-mandatory question is satisfied, you are automatically guided to the Transfer page.