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Operations and procedures associated with the degree audit process for use by students who are considering transferring previous course work.
Transfer Equivalency Self-Service
For use by students who are considering transferring to a school, to see how their transfer classes articulate and apply to a degree at that school.
You can begin to use Transfer Equivalency Self-Service even without signing in.
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You can start the Transfer Equivalency process without signing in or creating an account.
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Set Enrollment goals (Basics)
The first step in the Transfer Equivalency process (Basics) allows you to set key degree related goals.
This second step in the articulation process (Transfer) enables you to define all records (Class and Exam) for audit consideration.
The Transfer page's Class button allows you to specify details for one or more classes.
The Transfer page's Exam button allows you to specify details for one or more exams.
The Results page offers a set of options to guide your next steps.
View the audit report
The audit report shows how the courses you took at other institutions will apply at the target school, along with the courses still needed to complete your intended degree at the target school.
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